Does your brand echo (and amplify) your level of success, or does it need a little more juice?
Many coaches and online business owners don’t realize that their brand is not a static “one and done” piece of their business. Even if you’ve put the effort into branding yourself, the real challenge is staying consistent and keeping your brand up to date as your business grows and changes.
Even the best coaches can have brands that no longer accurately represent who they are or how amazing they are at what they do. Or worse yet, they haven’t even created a brand in the first place because either it hasn’t been a priority – or honestly the thought of creating a brand is just too overwhelming.
Ignoring your brand is a huge mistake because your brand is the best tool to amplify your efforts and accelerate your growth.
Not only is it the first impression that prospects have of you, but it’s also what communicates with them and conveys your value on your behalf. If your brand doesn’t represent how awesome you are at what you do (or it’s showing what you did a couple of years ago) then it’s losing you both clients and potential partners.
Just think about all of the visitors that are coming to your website and either being turned away because they don’t think you serve them, or turned off because it doesn’t echo your level of success?
When we brand or rebrand our clients not only does it grow their lead base and help them land uber partnerships – but they also often double, triple, or even quadruple their rates because their brand finally communicates their true value.
This assessment will help you take an objective look at your brand and decide if it’s time for you to take it to the next level.